National Volunteer Month sets the stage for a beautiful summer on the Heritage Trail

Volunteers from Flowserve in Moosic beautified the Elm Street Trailhead


April exhibited a remarkable burst of energy along the Lackawanna River Heritage Trail, as families, students and local businesses came together to celebrate National Volunteer Month. Fuelled by a passion for preserving nature and history, dozens of participants joined hands to make a significant environmental impact. Their efforts didn’t just beautify the trail; they created a sense of pride and ownership among the community, fostering a deeper connection to the region’s rich heritage and natural beauty. 

Students from the Scranton Preparatory School cleaned up debris along the river levees in Scranton.

Cleaning up litter and debris helps protect the natural habitat and prevents pollution of the Lackawanna River and surrounding ecosystem. A clean and well-maintained trail enhances the overall appearance of the trail and promotes a sense of pride among residents and visitors, reducing the risk of accidents and exposure to harmful substances, making it a safer and healthier place for recreational activities.

As April draws to a close, the LRHT gleams with renewed vitality, a testament to the collective spirit of volunteerism and stewardship

Thanks to all our volunteers for your invaluable contributions!