BikeLackawanna, our free bikeshare program, officially opens for the 2019 season on Friday, April 5. The formal launch of the season will take place from 5pm to 8pm on Courthouse Square in Scranton, during the city’s First Friday celebration.
BikeLackawanna is a completely free-to-use bike share program that allows anyone age 16 or older (with a valid Driver’s License or state-issued photo I.D.) the opportunity to borrow a bike, ride anywhere they wish throughout the historic Lackawanna Heritage Valley, and return their bicycle when their ride is finished.
This year, families and visitors to the Lackawanna Heritage Valley will be able to borrow bicycles from seven locations between Scranton and Carbondale. Lackawanna Heritage Valley also offers hand cycles and recumbent bikes to wheelchair-bound riders and people with mobility impairments, which can be found at their office in Scranton.
BikeLackawanna Locations:
Scranton & Conference Center
Heritage Valley National and State Heritage Area
Multisport – Scranton
University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library
City Roasting Company
Carbondale Ymca
All BikeScranton bikes are sturdy and regularly maintained by local bicycle shops. The seats are adjustable and comfortable enough to ride all day. Want to lock it up while you shop or eat? No problem. We provide locks with a key at no additional cost. Cyclists are strongly encouraged to wear helmets. If you need to borrow one, helmets are available at each share site at no charge. For more information, please feel free to stop by or call any participating location.